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Keep Moving, Stay Strong!

There are two types of exercises you need to focus on each week: aerobic and strength-building. Aerobic activities get your heart pumping and make you breathe faster, while strength exercises help make your muscles and bones stronger.

Aim for at least 60 minutes of moderate-intensity activity every day. That’s like riding your bike, skating, or even just walking your furry friend. And don’t forget to mix it up! Try different activities throughout the week to keep things interesting and to give all your muscles a workout.

You also need to focus on activities that strengthen your muscles and bones. Think about joining a team sport like football or trying out martial arts. Even simple exercises like sit-ups and press-ups can do wonders.

So, less sitting, more moving! Break up those long periods of stillness with some activity throughout the day. Your body will thank you for it. Stay active, stay strong, and keep rocking, young folks!

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